The orginal band from 2002. Mike is no longer with us for health reasons.
It was the Christmas holiday season of 2001, when a group of long-time friends gathered at a local Dallas, Texas venue one evening for a meal. Over the years there had been many get-togethers of two or more of us who have known each other since elementary school days at Lakewood Elementary in Dallas. From "Lakewood", we all moved to "Long" (J. L. Long Junior High, now Middle School), and on to Woodrow Wilson High School, always known by its students, parents and alumni as simply, "Woodrow", since the early days of "Pop" Ashburn, the school's beloved first principal.
The 50s are often referred to as "the innocent years" compared to today. Our school years together, from 1956 through the Spring of 1962, were punctuated by the birth of rock 'n roll, which included the harmonic musical style and unforgettable songs we know as Doo-Wop. The groups that originated this special music began in the basements of local churches and on the street corners of Philadelphia, Chicago and New York. They often sang a cappella with no instruments and those that reached the top received little credit for the memories they spun at 45RPM on the records of our lives. (next page ยป)